Thursday, June 28, 2018

Should Facebook Be Banned In School ?

Should Facebook Be Banned In School ?

Me : Maybe  because if students need to contact there parents in emergencies they can and and yes because so i can stay on my work and not play on Facebook 

Teachers : Yes because its a distraction on students while there doing there work because they wont do there work cause of Facebook 

Parents : Maybe My parents don't really care if its ban or not ban because they know that i do my work and they know that i stay focus in my work but for the parents they might want it ban so there kids can stay focus on there work not on Facebook 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Vision Board

  • The most difficult part of completing these tasks were...
  • Sharing my ideas In Public

  • The most enjoyable part of completing these tasks were...
  • Answering all the Questions

  • One thing I have learnt during this task is...
  • Not to be shy sharing Ideas

Monday, November 13, 2017


Today I learn't how to use pencilcode
and i code my Initials FD = Francis Dohfred
It was hard at the starts but at the end it was easier

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

My School Calendar

I use google calendar to plan all this
i learn't how to uses google calendar

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Body safe
Our class has come together to do a class brainstorm and this is what we came up with for our BODY SAFE

1. 4 Steps to Consent                                    
Listen-listen to what do say
Respect - give them space
Reflect- Say around

2 : Free Agreement - Free agreement means both people should have the same power , not one doing all the talk

3 : Consent means enthusiastic yes

4 : Body Language is a type way to get someone to look at you or get there attention. also body language is a way to get a person to think in a way that u want them

Body safe was run by Eliza and the other people They came into our class every Wednesday for one hour lesson and the lesson went for 4 weeks

In Body Safe, we learnt about sexual violence and a free agreement "both person should have the some power" and the 4 steps of consent

It was difficult for me to talk about sexual topic but this will help me in the future

It was good how we get to watch a video to understand the others thing we didn't get